Consultations and Services
Our Cabula provides readings and services regularly for the public:
• General Consultations for any purpose ($100)
• Consultation to Determine Exu & Pombagira ($121)
• In-Depth Consultation for the Year Ahead ($321)
• Services: making offerings to Ancestors, Exu, & Pombagira on behalf of someone (prices vary)
• Workings for love, money, road opening, cleansing, health, retribution, and more… (prices vary)
• Tutelage (Quimbanda coaching one-on-one) ($100/hr)
To schedule a consultation, please use our online scheduling portal.
For services, workings, and tutelage, please email first.
In addition to these readings and services, we often have charms, incenses, baths, and guias (beaded necklaces) related to Quimbanda available through The Pact.
On Divination
Divination through consecrated oracles such as shells, bones, or other items as well as direct incorporation by our spirits, guide the everyday actions and rituals of the Quimbandeiro. Each lineage of Quimbanda may utilize different forms of jogo de buzios, a game of shells, which may vary in number from a handfull of consecrated shells to several dozen. Within Kimbanda Kongo, divination is performed through Vititi Ngombo,–sortilege–or more properly, the Vititi Mensu Fua, the oracle of bones. Yet the importance of divination is not just the means. It reinforces our connection to our spirits, and serves to provide advice and warnings that we might guide our lives better and avoid setback where possible. Divination is active participation in the world rather than passivity. A good consultation continues to unfold well after the session has ended. We use the language of matter to move through the world of spirit–ku pemba–and through the consultation, use the language of spirit to in turn work through the world of matter–ku nseke. It keeps our rituals and our days reified with spirit, avoiding stagnancy and complacency. This is not a prophecy spoken long ago, but guidance from the mouths of every-day prophets who are in communion with their spirits and renew, revivify, and this revolutionary language:
Pertence a Freire a ideia de que, antes que se possa ler a palavra, cada um de nós aprende a ler o mundo. Como ele mesmo diz: a humanidade leu o mundo ao longo de milênios e, só desenvolveu a linguagem. Assim também, somente alguns séculos depois de desenvolver a linguagem, desenvolveu-se a escrita. Esse marco - a invenção da escrita - já serviu para distinguir os povos civilizados dos povos bárbaros, justificando todo tipo de horror colonial. Ora, é a civilização que tem nos levado ao fim do nosso mundo. Quem dera pudéssemos reaprender a ser selvagens. Nesse sentido, entendo o papel fundamental das nossas comunidades como bolsões dessa selvageria radical que, conectando-se, produzirão as fissuras necessárias a por fim de vez ao projeto colonial.
Somos caudatários de tradições orais e compreendemos a espiritualidade como mais uma forma de linguagem. Assim, o oráculo é a escrita radical de nossa selvageria. Um bom oraculista deve, antes de aprender a ler os signos dessa forma escrita, desenvolver a capacidade de ler também o mundo através dos sentidos (não só dos olhos) de toda sua ancestralidade: sua ancestralidade sanguínea, sua ancestralidade herdada e toda a ancestralidade da sua terra.
por Tata N’ganga Mukunji, Athos Guizzardi, de Cabula Cassange
Freire is the author of the idea that, before we can read the word, each of us learns to read the world. As he himself says: humanity read the world over millennia and only then developed language. Likewise, only a few centuries after developing language did writing develop. This milestone - the invention of writing - has already served to distinguish civilized peoples from barbarians, justifying all types of colonial horror. Now, it is civilization that has led us to the end of our world. If only we could relearn how to be savages. In this sense, I understand the fundamental role of our communities as pockets of this radical savagery that, by connecting, will produce the necessary fissures to put an end to the colonial project once and for all.
We are followers of oral traditions and understand spirituality as yet another form of language. Thus, the oracle is the radical writing of our savagery. A good oracle must, before learning to read the signs in this written form, develop the ability to also read the world through the senses (not just the eyes) of all his ancestry: his blood ancestry, his inherited ancestry and all the ancestry of his land.
written by Tata N’ganga Mukunji, Athos Guizzardi, of Cabula Cassange